Jun 9, 2012


TGIS!!! Thank God it's summer am I right? This past week has been busy with teachers trying to cram those last thousand or so projects in, valleyfair, and the end of the year party. Well I am hapy to say that I got the projects in, I only got mildly burned at valleyfair, and the end of the year party was a blast! Now that that is all over it's time to sit back and relax as I try to finish my summer bucket list before highschool next year.
Summer Bucket List 2012
1. Find KKK hill
2. Dye my hair with Kool Aid
3. Sleep on the dock in the middle of the pond
4. Go on a mini adventure in my backyard
5. Find the shallow spot in the pond
6. Meet a Medford person and become friends
7. Try to meet One Direction
8. Figure out how to do a backflip
9. To understand one guy in my life
10. Have a goodbye party for Mya
This school year has come and gone super fast and I hope my summer doesn't go by as fast. Ta ta for now -Rebecca

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